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The World Has Gone Mad and I’m Sad!

crazy-madI’m seriously thinking of locking myself in my house in the country, turning off the TV and the Internet and just going into “hermit-mode” until sanity returns.  The problem is, I’m not sure if I can live long enough to see things turn around.

Am I depressed?  Not clinically, but I’m certainly sad.  Sad at what I see in the papers, on the news and in people’s Facebook feeds.  For instance, a quick scan of the news today shows…

  • Same-Sex marriage is taking off all over the world
  • The Toronto School Board wants to teach that any form of consensual sex is okay — to kids!!!
  • The #1 movie this week will no doubt be a porn flick disguised as a the “perfect Valentines Day” chick flick
  • People are shooting other people over petty matters like parking spots
  • People are caring more about trees and seals and puppies than they are about other human beings
  • Politicians won’t let anyone talk about God outside the church building
  • The mainline churches have forgotten about God
  • Morals seem to have gone out the window with nothing being absolute anymore
  • The fourth and fifth estates (journalists and the media) have forgotten all about the concept of unbiased reporting
  • Terrorists are shooting, beheading and burning people right, left and centre
  • Politicians seem more interested in “playing politics” and lining their pockets than serving the people
  • Wars are going on all over the world — Russia/Ukraine; Afghanistan/Iran/Iraq; Israel/Palestine/Lebanon; to name just a few
  • Science has forgotten about “scientific method” and prefers to “make the data fit”

I could probably go on (and on and on) but I think you get the point.

Years ago, we had a series of posters in my parent’s basement.  They were the 60’s equivalent of the modern meme’s.  The one that I remember best haunts me to this very day….

Common sense is not so common.

For sure I’m not “depressed”.  Maybe it’s just “S.A.D.” (Seasonal Affective Disorder)  But for sure, it saddens me. 🙁

‘Til next time….



  1. Glenn

    Hey cheer up Murray, a number of things on your list are not that bad and some are downright good! I offer a friendly counterpoint to your ‘depression-list’ ☺

    • Same-Sex marriage is taking off all over the world
    This is actually fantastic! Although I am not gay, I celebrate the emergence of open mindedness that continues to blossom. I look forward to the day when most people are judged by the content of their character and not by some obsession on what they do in the bedroom

    • The Toronto School Board wants to teach that any form of consensual sex is okay — to kids!!!
    Sounds to me like they are promoting tolerance. Any form of consensual sex IS okay as long as it is consensual. I seriously doubt they are showing fetish porn to the kids – rather they are saying it is OK to be different and don’t judge others who are.

    • The #1 movie this week will no doubt be a porn flick disguised as a the “perfect Valentines Day” chick flick
    Well it sounds like a stupid movie. I can’t see how this is actually bad or depressing (hey….and a good amount of nudity never hurts!…) but I will pass because it sounds stupid.

    • People are shooting other people over petty matters like parking spots
    Yea but there are a lot of messed up people in the world and crap happens. It just seems very prevalent because the news cycle focuses on things that make us upset and scared. The world was much more violent 500 years ago.

    • People are caring more about trees and seals and puppies than they are about other human beings
    That is a bit generalist. There are many great examples of people who are local, regional, and worldwide humanitarians. It is also great that other people do care about the environment, animal rights, etc. I see a lot of caring all around.

    • Politicians won’t let anyone talk about God outside the church building
    No. Go turn on Fox news. An awful lot of politician nuts spewing all sorts of wacky religious dogma. Enough things to keep religious nuts happy for an eternity.

    • The mainline churches have forgotten about God
    Very general statement. No evidence of that. I belong to the Anglican church and God is omnipresent in all activities.

    • Morals seem to have gone out the window with nothing being absolute anymore
    Absolute morals are bad. That infers that there is a self-declared moral body that makes up the morals for everyone else. I for one am glad I live in a country where my neighbour does not get stoned to death because she had an affair. Morals are a personal choice and I am glad everyone can decide on the morals that they live by and suffer the consequences of their decision without someone telling them what is absolute or not.

    • The fourth and fifth estates (journalists and the media) have forgotten all about the concept of unbiased reporting
    Depends on the media outlet you choose. Try PBS. Also it is nice there is biased reporting for those who want it. Again Fox news for the religious nuts, MSN for the tree huggers. What a colourful and vibrant world full of choices we have.

    • Terrorists are shooting, beheading and burning people right, left and centre
    Yea I agree that is depressing. But again the news outlets obsess about that and give it way more airtime than needed. That horrible evil at least is contained to relatively small pockets. Compare that to the horrific middle ages in the time of the Christian Crusades or the Spanish Inquisition and we are not as bad off as the news would have us feel.

    • Politicians seem more interested in “playing politics” and lining their pockets than serving the people
    Tired old argument that actually is more of an illusion than anything. I invite you to study some of the politicians of the 1800’s… our jokers seem like saints compared to them
    • Wars are going on all over the world — Russia/Ukraine; Afghanistan/Iran/Iraq; Israel/Palestine/Lebanon; to name just a few
    However the world is more peaceful than anytime in human history. Fascinating article to make my point:

    • Science has forgotten about “scientific method” and prefers to “make the data fit”
    This is an odd thing to think. We live in a time of incredible scientific discovery and the peer review process is more robust than ever. Scientists who “make the data fit” are called out immediately and/or are relegated to forever haunt as guests on Fox News ☺

    PS. Bonus comment: Regarding physician-assisted suicide – I think that was one of the best rulings to come out in a long time. Finally terminally ill people can control their own destiny and end their pain and suffering with dignity.

    Cheers! and cheer up dude!

    • mwlahn

      Thanks for the comments Glenn. I can’t say that I agree with a lot of your assessments (same-sex marriage, physician-assisted suicide, morals, etc.), but then you don’t agree with me, and the world is a wonderful place where two people who disagree can still be friends 🙂 … or at least it should be. Thanks again!

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